Forge of empires guild expedition ema battle strategy
Forge of empires guild expedition ema battle strategy

forge of empires guild expedition ema battle strategy

One Grenadier and seven Field Guns (without having an offensive GB) can deal with some CA armies consisting of half or more ranged or heavy infantry troops if you are (very) careful.

forge of empires guild expedition ema battle strategy

If you then use Field Guns (or other long or possibly short range troops) to support the Grenadiers and use them to shoot-to-wound (and don't waste shots killing heavily wounded units that aren't in range of your long range troops - since if a unit has taken damage then the damage it will deal others is reduced so poses even less risk to Grenadiers) while keeping your army back and letting one or two Grenadiers take the damage then you can take on most CA armies. If you are in CA and have a small (but significant) offensive bonus from Great Buildings then you can start (ab)using the fact that Grenadiers also count as ranged troops so enemy ranged troops will target Grenadiers if they are closer to them than your other ranged troops and the Grenadiers have enough defence (thanks to the GB bonus) that enemy ranged troops do not have enough damage to hurt them significantly.

forge of empires guild expedition ema battle strategy

Tactics also depend on whether or not you have offensive Great Buildings.

Forge of empires guild expedition ema battle strategy